CoolCity_Future School Korean Pavillon

CoolCity_Future School Korean Pavillon Venice 17° Architecture Biennale 10.09.21 presentation

participants: Kyong Park – zoom, Alexander Valentino – Venice, Nick De Pace – Venice, Daniela Allocca – Venice, Pietro Nunziante, , Valentina Albano – zoom, Antonella Feola – zoom

10:00 – 10:15 – Introduction – What is CoolCity and why are we animating a blue-city revolutionary urban approach – Kyong Park (professor San Diego University of California)

10:15 – 10:20 – Prologue – CoolCitys’ motivations, an animation – Giacomo Faiella (artist)

10:25 – 11:00 – The CoolCity organogram The different branches of the CoolCity project: CoolCity_Lab – Inspections, Guided tours, Analysis and Proposals, lectures, round tables, guided tours, tutorials, collection of data, in-field experience; CoolCity_Deep – lectures, round tables, participatory project planning, open discussions, Inspections; CoolCity_Survey – Scientific Data Collection, Flow rate account of spring and ground water / Comparative analysis of historical maps of the city, MediaTeam Inspections: Bolla&Carmignano Ancient Aqueducts / Historical Centre Springs / Ancient Fountains Network / Conca di Agnano – Interviews / Video-photographic documentation – Alexander Valentino (lan)

11:05 – 11:10 – Feelings of survivalPoetic note on the need to design relationship with water, body and environment Daniela Allocca (curator and writer)

11:15 – 11:35 – Methodologies for the Reconnaissance, Survey, and Visualization of Subterranean Water Resources – Exploration and documentation of confined and undisclosed subterranean spaces in Naples which can positively contribute to the cooling effects needed to mitigate UHIE in cities. A discussion will follow between Cool City, technicians from Leica Geosystems and urban speleologists Antonella Feola from the Centro Speleologico Meridionale – Nick De Pace (Rhode Island School of Design. Providence, RI. Senior Critic; Department of Landscape Architecture)

11:40 – 12:00 – Seul CoolCity Workshop – July 2021 – Presentation of selection of project by students – Kyong Park

presentations will be supported by visual: short clips, imgs, documents