cv_daniela allocca

Daniela Allocca is an independent researcher, curator and writer based in Naples. She focuses her research and curatorial practices on the development of ecological relationship with our body, inside art collective and the environment. She works currently as guest curator at Goethe-Institut Naples, to develop new formats as Radio Poesia. A Blackmarket of German Poetry hosted by Radio Leib (Naples) and Cashmere Radio (Berlin). She is co-founder of Progetto Fiori (2010) an artistic collective with which she develops works based on walking practices, that’s way she became member of the scientific committee of Laboratorio del cammino (2018) an inter-university network where she develops her research on narrativity, soundscapes and pedagogy. She brings this experience also into the inter-university network Political Ecologies of the Present why she organized Eco*Walking Beyond. Mapping, Narrating, Wandering (Naples, 2019) and she is also a member of the editorial staff She is training as a permaculturist.

From 2018 to 2020 she was Post-doc researcher at University of Naples with a project on translation as sonic praxis in a project aimed at refugees writers in Germany. She was Junior professor of German language, literature and translation in different Italian universities (2010-2020). Curator of Emblema Embodied Lab (2018) Embodied pedagogy for contemporary art for Museo Emblema Didactic Department. Writer & vocal performer in the project Electronic Storytelling with Alessandro Ferrara. She also gave lecture performances as guest speaker at Tedx Napoli Jump 2018, Translation saved my life and Feelings of survival CoolCity at The Future School Corean Pavillion, Venice Biennale 2021.

Some publications are the monographie: BerlinGraphie. Nomadic literature and urban spaces, (Led, 2016); and the articles: On day-werden die Meistersinger wiederkommen-Poetry Slam oder die Wirkung des Performativen, in Im Hier und Jetzt, edited by Di Rosa V., Röhnert J.,(Köln, 2019); Sonic r_esistence. The translation of invisible in Schwarze Jungfrauen and Schattenstimmen di Feridun Zaimoğlu e Günter Senkel in L’oralità sulla scena, edited by Albanese, Arpaia, Russo (Uniorpress, 2015